

Bach Flower Remedies

The flower essences were developed in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, (pronounced Batch) a physician and homeopath who believed that the key to good health was by emotional harmony. By 1936 he identified 38 flower essences, each one derived from a different wild flower, plant or tree, and each corresponding to a specific emotion.

Dr Bach believed the complete system, which capture the positive potential of the plants they’re created from, offered a holistic approach to achieving emotional balance. Essentially, by flooding the negative emotion with its positive opposite. The system is designed so that the essences can be tailored to meet each person’s individual needs, so that they can be taken individually, or in combination.

All Bach Original Flower Remedies contain a small percentager of alcohol as a preservative and therefore may be unsuitable for some people.

The Bach Flower Remedies work in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy and medications and are safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, animals, the elderly and even plants.

After your Reiki Treatment, if it is called for, a Bach Flower Remedy will be prepared for you. Each Remedy uses traditional Bach Flower Oils, following the work of Dr. Edward Bach.

You may also book a Bach Flower Consultation for a personalized session to explore more fully what would best support you in this moment.

Remedy prepared post treatment: 32ml $25
Bach Flower Consultation & Blend 45-60mins $75.00

“Health depends on being in

harmony with our souls”

-Dr. Edward Bach

Tiger Lily Homeopathic Blends

Our global pandemic brought us into a time of great healing and rebalancing. I saw the need for a combination of oils, and developed six essential remedy blends to treat areas of concern I repeatedly saw in my clients. Each blend concentrates on a different emotional or mental area. Two or more blends may also be used together, taking one at a time and allowing it to absorb before taking the next blend.

Anxiety & Depression

Essences: Mimulus, Mustard, Sweet Chestnut, Wild Rose, Willow

Symptoms: Anxiety, Melancholy, Mental Anguish, Despondency, Resentment

Price:  $35.00 Size: 32ml

Calm & Relaxation

Essences: Elm, Heather, Impatiens, Water Violet, White Chestnut

Symptoms: Overwhelmed, Pre-occupied, Impatient, Lonely, Racing Mind. Excellent support for hormonal flucuations.

Price:  $35.00 Size: 32ml

Concentration & Endurance

Essences: Chestnut Bud, Clematis, Gentian, Hornbeam, Olive

Symptoms: Self Doubt, Fogginess, Repeated Mistakes, Exhaustion, Procrastination. Excellent support for hormonal flucuations.

Price:  $35.00 Size: 32ml

Fear & Uncertainty

Essences: Aspen, Cherry Plum, Gorse, Rock Rose, Scleranthus

Symptoms: Anxiety, Loss of Control, Hopelessness, Irrational Fear, Hesitant

Price:  $35.00 Size: 32ml

Grief & Trauma

Essences: Honeysuckle, Oak, Pine, Star of Bethlehem, Sweet Chestnut

Symptoms: Past thoughts, Exhaustion, Guilt, Shock, Despair

Price:  $35.00 Size: 32ml

Obsession & Worry

Essences: Agrimony, Chicory, Holly, Red Chestnut, White Chestnut

Symptoms: Mental Torment, Possessive, Jealousy, Over Concern, Obsession

Price:  $35.00 Size: 32ml

“After my four year old dog, Sky, was diagnosed with lymphoma, I was devastated. I started a hunt and never ending research on what we could do to help her. I became obsessed with cancer research. I joined on line groups of pet owners, to see what others had done and what they had achieved for their pets. I was not sleeping, I was on edge and completely frazzled. Sky was becoming more stressed because of me and my behaviour. I could not see the effect I was having on her. Jennefer offered a Bach flower remedy for Sky to help her with the emotional side of her disease. When Jennefer came, she made a tincture for Sky and realized I was in dire need of one too.

I started giving Sky hers and taking mine right away. Within 24 hours, I felt better. I was still obsessed with research, but I was calmer. Sky was also calmer. I was amazed at how much better I felt. I was sleeping better and able to focus. Within a week, I stopped the research and accepted our fate. I focused on spending time with her and showering her in love and affection. My beautiful girl lost her battle 3 weeks later. I still take my tincture, as I really love how much it helped me. I cannot thank Jennefer enough for her help and support.”

~ Ashley, Mar 2017

Discover the Benefits of whole body wellness at

Tiger Lily Therapies



9:00AM - 5:00PM

10:00AM - 7:00PM

9:00AM - 4:00PM

9:00AM - 12:00PM


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2-348 Highland Road West
Stoney Creek, ON
L8J 3W5

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